
Root & Rise | Sustainable Fitness

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], this is how I really feel... 🫣

Hey Reader,

If you asked me how I was doing right now, I'd probably say pretty good.

If you asked me how I was really doing right now, I'd probably say I'm tired and stressed and overwhelmed and frustrated and I wake up every morning heavy, with a headache and congestion and pressure in my head, despite all the habits and practices I do to invest in my health and my fitness and all the rest and time away from the gym hasn't seemed to help at all and I'm losing my mind because I feel like I should feel like a million dollars instead of a soggy dollar bill but that's just not my reality right now and I don't know why and I'm truthfully not feeling the best in my skin right now but I'm trying to stay positive and not let all of this trigger feelings of low confidence or low self worth or feelings of not doing enough while journaling and meditating and manifesting and taking action to reprogram those thoughts and at the same time trying to balance work and eating well and family and friends and long distance friendships and a relationship and alone time and writing newsletters and creating content and drinking enough water and getting in steps and finding time to work out and ski and do pilates and yoga and attempting to rest and recharge amidst the seemingly endless things that occupy all of the seconds of all of these days that all blink by all too quickly.

I'd say that it feels like so much to handle when you don't feel good, but you feel like you're doing all the right things.

And at the same time, I'd say that I know I can get through it all and I know that it will be okay.

I'd say that I will try my absolute hardest to make good decisions that support my mental and physical and emotional health and that of the people around me. And when I mess up or have moments that feel too big for my weaknesses, I'll give myself grace and compassion and forgiveness and I will move forward and try again as soon as possible.

I'd say that it's frustrating to wake up every day feeling so blah when I should be feeling quite the opposite and then I'd tell you that I stopped putting it off and made an appointment with a naturopathic doctor and I'm doing my best to listen to my body as it needs rest and really give it just that.

I'd say that I will show up everyday regardless and I will do my best.

Wherever you are and whatever you're feeling right now, I hope this makes you feel a little less alone.

I know this time of year can be hard and stressful and overwhelming, and I know that it feels even harder when those feelings originate from yourself, too.

It feels consuming and inescapable.

But the thing is... is that it's not.

You can recognize the feelings and the circumstances driving them, you can bring awareness to them, you can give yourself love and strength and forgiveness, and then you can move the f*ck on and take action to create a different reality.

From the girl that's been [very painfully] skipping workouts to rest, fighting thoughts and feelings of unworthiness and trying to acknowledge and heal those parts, spending hours cooking and cleaning to support my mental and physical health even when I want to just lay on the couch, and showing up here even when it's incredibly difficult to face the truth...

I'm telling you that you can.

Keep going, Reader, I believe in you and am here to support you every step of the way.

Just remember that you have to be that person for yourself, too.

Happy Holidays! I'll see you next week,

💕 Morgan

PS - If you're struggling with any of these things or your heath, wellness, fitness, etc. and need some guidance or answers, hit reply and let me know how I can help or what questions you have. I'll create videos addressing your concerns and will share them on Instagram!

Root & Rise | Sustainable Fitness

✨Find your light, your strength & your power 🌱Grow into your most confident self 💪🏻Build a healthy lifestyle you can actually keep

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