
Root & Rise | Sustainable Fitness

It's not too late, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE].

Hey there,

I was going through a box of books and journals and came across a journal from 2021 that had this written on the first page:

2021 -

To a year of dreaming and doing, of getting uncomfortable and facing my fears and creating the life and version of myself I've always wanted to be.

To becoming 1% better everyday and knowing that when I mess up or fall off track, I'll give myself grace and forgiveness but have the discipline to start again - and keep going.

A year of fully showing up for myself and in the world and knowing that what's meant for me will come, but I will always need to work for it.

To a year that's going to change my life for the better - I have a really good feeling about this one.


This journal only had one more entry in it before I carried my musings somewhere else (most likely a 5 minute journal since I didn't really commit to free journaling until the fall of 2022) so it's hard to remember exactly what I was feeling or thinking or referring to in that exact moment, but I don't think it matters.

The strength, the determination, the optimistic realism, the desire to do and be better, to dream bigger -- those are the things that do.

We still have three weeks left of 2024, so I won't ask you to start dreaming about 2025 quite yet, but I will ask you about 2024.

If you had a manifesto for the year like I did above, what did you write down? In the likely chance that you didn't, what would you have written down?

I encourage you to reflect on the year and on all the things you set out to do or be or change or build.

Did you do it? Did you become it? Did you do better? Did you grow?

If you answered no's across the board, I challenge you now -- how can you change that in the final weeks of the year? How can you make the past version of you proud?

Can you rewrite your 2024 manifesto and bring it to life?

Too many people take the time between Thanksgiving and New Years and light it on fire. They abandon their mission, their vision, their goals with fading hope that they'll do better next year, and they forget the simple truth that they can do better right now.

You can do better right now.

So instead of declaring bankruptcy on the next three weeks of the year, on your mission, your vision and your goals for the year, set out to see them through, even if you're feeling behind.

Set out to take action right now and you will start the New Year twenty-two days ahead everybody else who is waiting until next year to be better. You will make yourself proud.

Let's finish the year strong, shall we?!

💕 Morgan

Root & Rise | Sustainable Fitness

✨Find your light, your strength & your power 🌱Grow into your most confident self 💪🏻Build a healthy lifestyle you can actually keep

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